
IDE for the e-government standard framework


This document describes a summary of the IDE for the e-government standard framework.


IDE Goal

The IDE provides following tools that support the life-cycle of the development process, including business program development, version control, build, and so forth.

Architecture and components
Implementation ToolProvides a developer IDE for program development, test, and debugging
Test ToolSupports unit-test for developed program
Conf. Change Mgt. ToolProvides SCM, Issue Tracking and Monitoring tools
Deployment ToolProvides the Continuous Integration (CI) and server migration tools

IDE and Server IDE


IDE consists of Implementation Tool(Editor, Debug, IDE, Common Component, Mobile IDE) and Test Tool(Test Reporting, Unit Test.)

Detailed features of the Developer Development Environment are separated into two groups: core and optional components. Optional components are provided for convenience. eGov standard framework provides lightweight development environment that consists of core components only. It is simple and easy for the developers to install and use the lightweight development environment. It is appropriate for small projects. The framework also provides the integrated development environment that contains core and optional components for developer’s convenience. Developers are advised to download and use the appropriate environment for the needs of their project.

Server IDE

Server IDE consists of Deployment Tool(Build, Deploy) and Conf. & Change Mgt. Tool(Configuration Management, Change Management.)

Server IDE of the Standard framework also provides both essential and optional features. According to the project, features in the Deployment Tool and the Conf. & Change Mgt. Tool are optionally selectable. (Server IDE)

Development Process

The following diagram describes the possible development process using given IDE.
The development process is separated into four areas, and detailed process for each area is shown below.

Environmental settings

Basic Environment

ComponentsRecommended VersionNotes
Java Development Kit5.0
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers3.6http://www.eclipse.org/downloads


ComponentsRecommended VersionJava CompatibilityNotes
Jboss application platform5.1.30JDK 5.0
Tmax JEUS6.0.0.5JDK 5.0 or higher
Oracle WebLogic ServerDBMS Server9.2JDK 5.0 or higher


ComponentsRecommended VersionNotes
Altibase DBMS Server5.1.3.18

Open Source Software Usage Status

Service GroupServiceOpen Source SoftwareVersionLicenseExpansion & Development
Implemtation ToolEditorSource EditorEclipse3.6.2EPL & EDLIndigo (3.7) version, please contact the maintenance team.
IDE N/A Developed
Common Component N/A Developed
Customize Development Tool N/A Developed
Mobile IDE N/A Developed
Mobile Common Component N/A Developed
Mobile Code Verification N/A Developed
Add Plug-In N/A Developed
UML EditorAmaterasUML 1.3.2 EPL 1.0
ERD EditorAmaterasERD 1.0.8 EPL 1.0
DBIO Editor N/A Developed
Web Flow Spring Web Flow 2.0.7
Code Generation N/A Developed
Code Inspection PMD, FindBugs 3.2.6, 1.3.9 BSD, LGPL
Server Connection Management N/A Developed
DebugLocal DebugEclipse 3.6.2 EPL & EDL
Remote DebugEclipse 3.6.2 EPL & EDL
TestToolUnit TestTest CaseJUnit 4.8.1, 3.8.2 CPL
Mock SupportEasyMock 3.0 MIT
DB SupportDbUnit 2.4.8 LGPL 2.1
Test AutomationAnt, Maven 1.8.2, 3.0.3 Apache License 2.0
Test ReportingAnt, Maven 1.8.2, 3.0.3 Apache License 2.0Feature added
Test CoverageEMMA 2.1 CPL
TestCase Generator N/A Developed
Deployment ToolBuildBuild ToolMaven 3.0.3 Apache License 2.0
CI ServerHudson 1.398 Creative Commons Attribution
Share-Alike License,MIT
Nexus Nexus GPL
Conf.& Change Mgt.ToolConfiguration ManagementSubversion Subversion License
Change ManagementjTrac Apache License 2.0RE-DEVELOPED UI

✔ DBUnit, EasyMock, Emma, ​​Ant, if required, the use of tin in the pom.xml file to run Maven Install to unpack.


IDE main screen introduces the development framework and environment. Users can manage the link URL information. A standard user should change link URL according to each project settings to use the development tool. The following process describes how to change the information.

  1. Admin Login
    Use the default Initial ID and password to login. Once successfully logged in, user should set a new password.
  2. Management of Menus
    Update the link URL information and enablement of each tool on the specified project.

Environmental settings

  1. Install IDE main tool
    Download the main tool from the eGov standard framework portal (http://www.egovframe.go.kr [http://www.egovframe.go.kr]), and deploy to the WAS server.
  2. Create DB Scheme
    Download the DB Scheme creation sql for the main tool, connect to the DB and run the downloaded sql.
  3. Change the DB connection information
    After deploying the main tool, modify a WEB-INF/config/context-datasource.xml file under the deployed location of the WAS. Set it accordingly to the current project.
    On deployment, a ‘dev’ user is registered on MySQL database as default.

Intro screen

  1. User can get to the main pages of each development tool.
  2. In order to standard users use the tool, the admin should modify link URL to configure IDE settings suitable to the project.

Admin Login

  1. Enter an ID and password.
  2. Press the ‘Login’ button.

Management of Menus

  1. Enter URLs and choose the active status for each tool.
  2. Press the ‘Save’ button.