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Enhances eGovernment Service Quality and IT Investment Efficiency
Common modules necessary for the execution of business logic programs in eGovernment project. Application programming environment to facilitate the standardized development of screens, server programs and data
Provides an environment for the development of eGovernment application programs. Includes screen development tool, component development tool, data development tool, test automation tool, code inspection tool, etc.
Common Components is a collection of reusable common modules developed to be commonly used in eGovernment Projects
Common Components is a collection of reusable common modules developed to be commonly used in eGovernment Projects
eGovframe ensures interoperability which is necessary for information sharing and inter-linkage among agencies by constructing the application based on eGovframe. This improves interagency collaboration.
eGoframe provides standardized screen and interface for various e-Governmen. Easy implementation of inter-linkage among e-Government systems increases levels of public satisfaction by offering one-stop service that was unavailable in the previous system because respective government agencies offered different services.
e-Government implementation providers are now able to improve their core competencies, technological capabilities, and productivity by utilizing eGovframe. The project also promotes strengthening SMEs competitiveness by offering an equal chance of bidding for e-Government project to various companies such as SMEs, solution providers, and venture companies.