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Provides the download services of the development contents such as the Runtime Environment,
the Development Environment and the Common Components.

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Runtime Environment

Runtime Environment list
This table provides Number, Title, Author, Date, Views.
Num Title Author regist date Views
54 Integration Layer Version 3.9.0 Admin 2021-03-02 644
53 Common Foundation Layer Version 3.9.0 Admin 2021-03-02 857
52 Runtime Environment Source Version 3.9.0 Admin 2021-03-02 620
51 Batch Layer Version 3.8.0 Admin 2019-04-26 1812
50 Presentation Layer Version 3.8.0 Admin 2019-04-26 1214
49 Data Processing Layer Version 3.8.0 Admin 2019-04-25 1096
48 Integration Layer Version 3.8.0 Admin 2019-04-25 1095
47 Common Foundation Layer Version 3.8.0 Admin 2019-04-25 1191
46 Runtime Environment Source Version 3.8.0 Admin 2019-04-25 1172
45 Runtime Environment Source Version 3.7.0 Admin 2019-04-25 1218