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Title | eGovFrame for Windows 64bit(Implementation Tool) Version 4.0.0 | ||||
Register | Admin | Date of registration | 2022-03-02 | Views | 1681 |
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Development Environment 4.0.0 (64bit)
[Composition] Development Environment 64bit (Implementation Tool) Version for developers is a tool that supports developers' code creation, IDE and Editor (Source Code, UML, ERD, DBIO, WebFlow, Code Generation, Code Inspection, Customized Development Environment, Nebus) [Improved Features] - Eclipse 2021-03 (4.19.0) applied. - 252 common components (Digital One Pass added) - eGovFrame Runtime Environment 4.0.0 applied - Bug fixed in the pom.xml creation when adding common components. - Spring Tools 4 plug-in added. - Spring Boot Dashboard added - Spring Dashboard added - Spring Boot support for the Batch Template Project - 2 Template Projects UI/UX updated - Boot template project added - MSA template projects added - Lombok added [How to install it] If you run the eGovFrameDev-4.0.0-64bit.exe file in the directory to configure the development environment, unzip it, and run eclipse, you can use the development environment where both development environment essentials and optional elements are installed. [Troubleshooting] 1. When a "failed to create the Java Virtual Machine" error occurs after Eclipse is executed, In the event of a JVM-related error when running Eclipse, add the JDK installation path of the user's PC in the eclipse.ini, an eclipse setting file. (JDK 11+ is required) ** Add jdk path to eclipse.ini (Example) -vm C:Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.5\bin\javaw.exe 2. Protection of Windows's PC Protection When the following phrase appears, click more information and click Run. "Microsoft Defender SmartScreen blocked the launch of an unrecognized app. Running this app can expose your PC to risk." 3. If you install Lombok plug-in separately, Need to check the setting of Lombok in eclipse.ini |