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We introduce all kinds of eGovFrame related documents, training and technical support information in this corner.
Also, we provide the contact information and the location of the eGovFrame center.

Q&A List
Num Division Title Writer STATUS Date Asked Views
14 Development Environment web enterprise g**y Complete 2023-05-26 430
13 Development Environment Spring Boot Framework with eGovFrame Common Components J******n Complete 2023-05-23 453
12 Development Environment eGovFrame - Token Based Authentication J******n Complete 2023-05-22 428
11 Development Environment mraiDB Connection g**y Complete 2023-05-15 430
10 Runtime Environment light weight version s*m Complete 2018-03-26 2712
9 Development Environment ClassNotFoundException : org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader D****t Complete 2017-03-23 2780
8 Runtime Environment How to use Multi DB Z****n Complete 2017-03-23 2499
7 Common Components Request ‘pom.xml’ file for Common Components S****n Complete 2017-03-23 2537
6 Runtime Environment Occurring missing artifact (commons-validator, standard) P****i Complete 2017-03-23 2523
5 Common Components There is no file ‘/WEB-INF/tlds/egovc.tld’. S****o Complete 2017-03-23 2532