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eGovFrame Introduction

Provides the brief introduction on the eGovernment Standard Framework.


Structure of The eGovernment Standard Framework


The eGovernment Standard Framework is composed of 8 Service Layers, Common Components(templates), Runtime Environment, Operation Environment, Development Environment and Administration Environment.

eGovernment Service Application System

Business Logic Application SW

Common Business Logic Services
Civil Complaints Management, Organization Management, Etc.
eGovernment Common Component
Common Utility Services
Calendar, System, Web Editor, Print/Output, Etc.
Common Technical Services
Security, User Support, System management, Etc.

Runtime Environment

> Mobile eGovframe
Mobile eGovframe
Common Foundation Layer AOP, Cache, Compress/Decompress, Encryption/Decrytion, Excel, File Handling, File Upload/DownLoad, FTP, ID Generation, IoC Container, Logging, Mail, Marshalling/Unmarshalling, Object Pooling, Property, Resource, Scheduling, Server Security, String Util, XML Manipulation
Presentation Layer Ajax Support, MVC, UI Adaptor, Internationalization, Security
Business Logic Layer Biz. Process Management, Exception Handling
Data Processing Layer Data Access, ORM, Transaction, DataSource
Integration Layer Message Service, Naming Service, Web Service
Batch Layer Batch Core, Batch Support, Batch Execution
UX/UI Component UX/UI Component
Device API Device API
Operation Environment
  • - Monitoring Tool
  • - Operation Tool
Development Environment
  • - Implementation Tool
  • - Test Tool
  • - Deployment Tool
  • - Mobile Device API
  • - Configuration Management Tool
Management Environment
  • - Operation Management
  • - Development Management Tool
  • - Education & Technical Support

The Standard Framework, composed of the Runtime Environment, the Development Environment, the Management Environment, the Operation Environment and the Common Components, presents an application architecture for the development of web application systems.

Functions & Roles of Environment
Environment Functions & Roles
Runtime Environment As a base module on which the web-based application programs run, composed of 5 layers such as the screen processing, the business logic processing, the data processing, the integration processing and the common foundation
Development Environment As a collection of tools for the easy development of application programs based on the Screen Development Tool, the Component Development Tool, the Data Development Tool, the Test Automize Tool, the Code Inspection Tool, the Template Project Generation Tool, the Common Component Tool, the Customize Development Composition Tool, the Server Environment Management Tool, the Mobile Standard Sourcecode Generation Tool, the Mobile Template Project Generation Toolset, the Mobile Common Component Toolset, the Mobile Customize Development Composition Toolset, the Server's Development Environment(Windows, Unix etc.) Install Toolset
Operation Environment A system for various operations of the Standard Framework such as monitoring application programs running on the Runtime Environment, managing various system faults, and so on
Management Environment As a system for the Management of the Standard Framework, composed of the Technical Assistance Request, the Functional Improvement Management, the Standard Management and the Standard Framework Utilization Status
* The Management Environment is not distributed but used by the Standard Framework Management Agency
Common Component (Templates) A collection of reusable application programs to be used in the application software development of the eGovernment projects

e-Government standard framework benefit

eGovframe ensures interoperability which is necessary for information sharing and inter-linkage among agencies by constructing the application based on eGovframe. This improves interagency collaboration.
eGoframe provides standardized screen and interface for various e-Governmen. Easy implementation of inter-linkage among e-Government systems increases levels of public satisfaction by offering one-stop service that was unavailable in the previous system because respective government agencies offered different services.
e-Government implementation providers are now able to improve their core competencies, technological capabilities, and productivity by utilizing eGovframe. The project also promotes strengthening SMEs competitiveness by offering an equal chance of bidding for e-Government project to various companies such as SMEs, solution providers, and venture companies.